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How do I create a wishlist of the books I would like to receive?
  While Browsing Our Collection, the "Add to Wishlist" icon will be shown on the details page of a given title. Click on the book image to go to the details page. There, you may also find a summary, a review or the author's biography. To add the book to your wishlist, select "Add to Wishlist" icon. Please note that you will need to login into your account to use this functionality.

If you have added books to your wishlist, we will select titles from that list to be mailed to you. You are in charge of your wishlist: we will only review it to understand your requests. We will not remove or add titles to it. You are welcome to use the feedback form when returning the books. Using the wishlist function is entirely optional.

Please remember that you can also:
- share the book with your friends using your favorite social media, and
- write reviews on our website

How do I contact you?
  Please click here for our company contact information.
How do I navigate the site?
  To navigate this website, simply click on a category you might be interested in. Categories are located on the top, left & bottom of our website. QUICK TIP: Place your mouse cursor over anything you think could be a clickable link. You'll notice that anytime you scroll over something that is a link, your mouse cursor will become a "hand". Whereas scrolling over anything that is NOT a link will leave your cursor as an "arrow". If you have any trouble locating a product, feel free to contact us for assistance.