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Buyer's Guide
How do I make a gift?
  You have two ways to make gifts on our website:

- the first one is to buy a gift certificate that will be e-mailed or mailed to your recipient(s). They can then use this certificate to make a purchase on our site. For this option, select Make A Gift from the Main Menu or click here

 - the second option is, at check-out, to enter your information in the billing address field and the recipient's address in the shipping field and to select "This is a gift" in the additional info of the one-page check-out form.
How do I apply a gift certificate?
  You can apply a gift certificate :
  1. by entering the gift certificate code on the "Order Review" screen during checkout
  2. by visiting
  3. by visiting "My Account" manager and clicking on "Apply a gift certificate to your account"
  4. by visiting "My Account" manager and viewing an order recently placed, that has not been locked yet, and applying the gift certificate to that order.

How do I use a coupon?
  After adding items to your cart, click the "View Cart" link at the top of this site to view your cart. At the bottom of the shopping cart you'll see a box where you may enter your coupon code.